Mister Meows Glare

Mister Meows says, "I never apologize. I’m sorry, that’s just the way I am."

Mister Meows Covid-19 rant. Important Links Below.

Mister Meows stands in the gap. He sees the errors of a society built on irrational fear and misinformation. Stand with Mister Meows and fight the tyranny of fear and falsehood, stand with rational thought and with reason.

Some kibble would be nice too.

Now you may say, "Why such a light-hearted theme, regarding such a serious subject?" The answer is that if you have been red pilled, you don't need convincing because you have come to realize the true narrative already. And if you haven't, no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise. For every ten studies that point to a clear failure of rational management of Covid-19 by those in power, i.e. for example the policy of placing highly infectious patients into long term care facilities with highly susceptible elderly was a flagrantly stupid and deadly policy to adopt, you will find an article or study that somehow tries to justify it.

Governor Cuomo of New York is a fine example. Everyone is to blame *except* his administration and specifically himself. The nursing home facilities, the federal government, the CDC ... the list goes on. Politifact has rated Governor Cuomo's statements regarding the CDC guidlines as Mostly False. Most other governors looked at the evidence, evaluated the simple concept of *not* going along with the guidelines of placing the infectious in close proximity of the high risk and thought for themselves. On the other hand six governors - Newsom, Wolf, Murphy, Whitmer, Pritzker and Baker did like Cuomo ... at the cost of thousands upon thousands of lives. They can pontificate all they want. But "I was just following orders" lost its sheen over seventy years ago.

At every juncture Covid-19 has been mismanaged and politicized to the fatal harm of hundreds of thousands worldwide.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation report "What Share of People Who Have Died of COVID-19 Are 65 and Older" - "...the number of adults 65 and older who have died of COVID-19 is considerably higher in some states than others, with 61% of all adults 65 and older who died of COVID-19 as of July 15, residing in just 7 states: New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, and Michigan."

Do you comprehend what that is saying?

61% of everyone over 65 who died in the United States lived in states that had policies of forcing infected patients into long term care facilities with those who were the absolute highest at risk of dying of any type of complicating ailment along with their age and comorbidities. Some states like California under Gavin Newsom offered one thousand dollars a day per infected patient to LTC facilities.

From an article in the Mercury News, May 5th, 2020:

"Even as senior care centers have been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus — with patient and staff deaths accounting for nearly 40 percent of all COVID-19 deaths across California — the state is calling on assisted living facilities to house infected patients in exchange for money."

"Dr. Michael Wasserman, a geriatrician and the president of the California Association of Long Term Medicine, said, “Any guidance from the government that opens the door to send more COVID-19 into a nursing home or assisted living facility, to me, is medically unsound.” He pointed out that assisted and independent living facilities — while they might help residents with personal care — are not required to have medical staff on site and are not equipped to deal with infection control. (Mercury news 5/4/2020)

Mike Dark, a staff attorney for watchdog group California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, called the idea of moving COVID-19-positive patients to assisted living facilities “awful and stupid.” (Mercury news 5/4/2020)

But some nations didn't take the bait, some countries didn't operate under crushing, arbitrary mandates dictated by government leaders whose directives flew in the face of rational, historical practices of quarantine guidelines and exploring all medical avenues ... these nations pursued solutions not driven by political motives and power grabs.

Some nations looked at potential solutions beyond knee jerk reactions that were tainted with clear and deadly political intent. Nations that isolated those at risk, quarantined the sick as opposed to the healthy, who tried treatments like HCQ/AZ at all stages of the infection had real results in turning the tide...contrary to those leaders who locked down entire states, locking in the healthy, and so severely damaging the world economy that UNICEF estimated over six million new incidents of acute malnutrition in children worldwide, and an additional ten thousand deaths per month.

Let that sink in.

In the United States there have been 337 deaths of people aged 0-24. If the CDC estimate of co-morbidities is correct at approximately 6% dying OF Covid that's 20 deaths. In the 2018-2019 flu season the CDC estimates 480 minors aged 0-14 died of the flu. As of August 26th and since February 1,  57 have died WITH Covid, that's not taking into account deaths caused from co-morbidity.

Look at those numbers. You are complicit in a policy of isolating minors from the necessary and often critical mental health counseling in public schools ( an estimated 7.4 million school age children are assisted with moderate to severe mental health issues through public school attendance ). Policies that cut off the only avenue for escape for many in abusive households and interrupted or even stopped necessary long tested vaccinations of childhood diseases. All for a mortality rate of a disease nearly ten percent less fatal to minors than the annual flu.

Do it for the children kind of looses it impact when you look at it that way, doesn't it? What we did and are continuing to do under the totalitarian thumbs of politicians drunk with power is harming and killing thousands of children. It is destroying livelihoods, it is causing a dramatic rise of incidences of domestic abuse, it is exacerbating mental health issues and increasing substance abuse.

You can fall back on the weak and pathetic argument, "Well the government has our best interests in mind," or "the government wouldn't do anything to harm it's populace."

Get real. The greatest harm perpetrated on the greatest number of people throughout history has been at the hands of their own government. Soviet Russia, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, China ... millions upon millions persecuted and executed by their own governments by those grasping and clutching at power. Simply that. If you think that your governing bodies have been driven by "science" instead of politics think again. Control, submission, political posturing and flagrant animus towards opposition parties have been the underlying driving factor.

Until you are willing to entertain the idea that there are clear political and personal power motivations behind the handling of Covid-19, motivations that have provoked a response different than every other infectious disease in the history of western civilization, then you are going to be led around by your mask, forced to home imprisonment, denied your basic civil liberties guaranteed under the Constitution and endowed by your Creator.

You are simply a subject and not part of a representative republic, not part of a nation with a government that is of the people, by the people, for the people. 

     Mister Meows says, "Covid-19 Links...hmmm."

If you read nothing else on Covid-19, read this site:

Swiss Policy Research

Latest on Lock Down debacle:

Lock Downs cause 10 times more harm than good latest Study  Dr. Ari Joffe

Link to Paper: Covid-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink

Stanford Study questions benefits of Lock Downs and Stay-At-Home Orders

Other Information and Studies:

Studies on Covid-19 Lethality

Data shows 70% of Contra Costa’s COVID-19 deaths from nursing homes - The Mercury News

United States hospitals have a "perverse" monetary "incentive" to increase their count of coronavirus fatalities, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Robert Redfield 

The Mercury News Editorial: Newsom’s failed response to COVID-19 nursing home deaths - At least 41% of California coronavirus deaths from eldercare facilities
"...an April 24 guidance memo allows for transfer of patients without COVID-19 symptoms from hospitals to nursing homes without requiring coronavirus testing...the state specifically forbids the nursing homes from requiring such testing."

Mask Effectiveness Excerpt from Swiss Policy Research Site

German Autopsy Study Finds EVERY Coronavirus Victim had Previous Illness

'Coronavirus did NOT come from animals in Wuhan market': Landmark study

New Study Questions the Effectiveness of Masks Against SARS-COV-2

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Evaluating the efficacy of cloth facemasks in reducing particulate matter exposure

Does That Face Mask Really Protect You?

Simple Respiratory Protection Evaluation of the Filtration Performance of Cloth Masks -
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Volume 54, Issue 7, October 2010, Pages 789–798

Masks Don’t Work - A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy - Denis G. Rancourt, PhD

Not enough for you? How about from the horse's mouth?
Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures - Centers for Disease Control

Or perhaps this? 6.7 million more instances of child wasting ( acute malnutrition ) BECAUSE of lock down strategies worldwide and an additional 10,000 deaths PER MONTH:
Child malnutrition and COVID-19: the time to act is now

  Mister Meows says, "How many less would have died without politicizing a potential treatment?"

Hydroxychloroquine Found to Significantly Cut Death Rates in New COVID-19 Study
"Compared to the group receiving neither hydroxychloroquine nor azithromycin, the authors said hydroxychloroquine provided a 66% decrease in mortality hazard ratio, while hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin reduced the hazard ratio by 71%."

Countries that use Hydroxychloroquine may have 80% lower Covid death rates

More Evidence Presented for Why Hydroxychloroquine Should be Made Available, in a New Court Filing by AAPS -Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Coronavirus: How Turkey took control of Covid-19 emergency - "Controversially that includes the anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, as standard. It's much touted by President Donald Trump - but has been roundly rejected by the latest international research...Chief doctor Nurettin Yiyit - whose art work is on the hospital walls - says it's key to use hydroxychloroquine early. "Other countries are using this drug too late," he says, "especially the United States. We only use it at the beginning. We have no hesitation about this drug. We believe it's effective because we get the results." - BBC.com

Hydroxychloroquine Given Early Helped Coronavirus Patients, Study Finds - The Wall Street Journal

Bad research cost lives? Authors retract study showing hydroxychloroquine was dangerous to hospitalized covid-19 patients

Countries which Primarily Use Antimalarial Drugs As COVID-19 Treatment See Slower Dynamic of Daily Deaths

The World Health Organization discontinues hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir treatment arms for COVID-19 ONE DAY following a new study that indicates Hydroxychloroquine saved coronavirus patients’ lives

Italian doctors reported a decrease in deaths of 66% - Effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 disease: A done and dusted deal?

US physicians reported an 84% decrease in hospitalization rates - Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin

A 50% decrease in mortality rates among already hospitalized patients (if treated early)

US physicians also reported a 45% reduction in mortality of hospitalized patients by adding zinc to HCQ/AZ.